Privacy Policy & Terms of Use

WAFWA WCT Data Collector App

The WAFWA WCT Data Collector App (the “Services”) is a mobile application developed by the Western Association of Fish & Wildlife Agencies (“WAFWA or “we” or “us”) to facilitate the collection and submission of field data. The Services may be accessed only by users who request and are granted user credentials by WAFWA.

Terms of Use

Access to the Services. The Services are provided to you free of charge and are provided as-is. By granting you access to the Services, WAFWA grants you a non-exclusive, worldwide, and perpetual license to perform, display, and use the Services on your device, provided that WAFWA may, in its sole discretion, revoke your user credentials at any time, for any reason or no reason.

Disclaimer of Warranties. The Services are provided to you “as-is” and to the maximum extent permitted by law, WAFWA disclaims all warranties express or implied, including the implied warranties of non-infringement, merchantability, and fitness for a particular purpose. WAFWA does not warrant that the Services will meet your requirements or be constantly available, uninterrupted, timely, secure, or error-free. WAFWA may change, modify, or discontinue the Services at any time, without notice.

Information Collected

Account Information. We collect some personal information that you provide to us when you register as a user of the Service by requesting a user ID from WAFWA. In order to register as a user of the Service, you must provide an email address. You have the option to provide additional personal information when you register as a user, such as your employer, phone number, mailing address, .

Information You Share Using the Service. The Service is designed for you to submit observed and measured environmental and biological data about a particular geographic location.

Geolocation and Meta Data. When you submit environmental and biological data, the Service will ask you to take and upload a photograph of the location in order to geo-reference the location using coordinates collected by your device. The Service may also collect metadata (information embedded in any photographs you submit to the Service), such as your device type, mobile device ID, and the IP address from which the photograph was uploaded.

How We Use the Information About You. WAFWA uses information collected about you to provide you with access to the Service. WAFWA may also use your email address to communicate with you about your use of the Service, to solicit feedback, or to provide support for using the Service. We do not sell, rent, or lease information about you to third parties.

How We Use Information Submitted Using the Service. We use the environmental and biological data you submit through the Service for scientific and environmental conservation purposes. We use geolocation and meta data from your photographs to confirm the location of the environmental and biological data you submit using the Service. No data is stored on your device; all information is transmitted to WAFWA’s private network and/or third party service providers.

Use of Third Party Services. We use third party hosting and photo storage services to operate and support the Services. We share information with these third party service providers in accordance with the terms of those services providers. We ensure that the privacy settings selected and employed within those third party services limit access to the information stored by those third party providers

Children’s Privacy. The Service is not intended for use by children under the age of thirteen. We will not knowingly issue an account to anyone under the age of thirteen or knowingly collect information from them.

Storage and Retention of Information. No data is stored on your device; all information is submitted to WAFWA’s private network and/or third party service providers. We store your account information and content information for as long as it is necessary and relevant for our operations. We use industry standard internal security protocols appropriate for the sensitivity of the information to protect information in transit and at rest.

How to Contact Us. If you have questions about these terms of use or this privacy policy or our use of the information we collect in connection with the Services, you may contact us by email at